Humanitarian donation aid for the children in the war zone Donbass

We show solidarity and collect donations for the deceased and children living in the war zone in Donbass

or by bank transfer to
Account: Michael Küpper
IBAN: DE94 31060181 0041612002
Gladbacher Bank
Alley of Angels War Victims Aid

Stark betroffen in Donezk


Kinder mit schweren Kriegsverletzungen durch Schusswaffen und Minen


Schwere Einschläge haben Schulen stark zerstört.


Kindergärten wurden schwer zerstört.



in Donezk


Getötete Zivilisten

in Donezk



in Donezk

Link to the article about a hospital: to the article

What our media is hiding about Donbass: to the article

About the organizer

Michael Küpper

I am an entrepreneur from Mönchengladbach, father of three children and an adopted daughter.
In second marriage am married for over 10 years with my Russian wife. In my life, I have never liked the fact that people always look at only one side of the coin. Ukraine’s artillery bombardment of the Donbass, the cities of Luhansk and especially Donetsk, as well as the use of so-called butterfly mines, which are outlawed under international law, is pure terror against the civilian population. There are no positions of the Russian army in the mentioned cities. The result is countless dead men and women and children. Many children are also maimed by butterfly mines because they see them as interesting toys. If there are still real friends of Russia and its people among us, who do not only stand by Russia and its citizens in good times, then I think we are also morally obliged to help them. I would like to do no more and no less with this fundraiser.

Project Alley of Angels

An initial brief assessment

What we have achieved so far:

€21,000 in donations

Confirmation from a well-known company to build a playground for children in Mariupol

The company’s name cannot be disclosed until the project is realized

What we have done for this:

We’ve reached out to numerous companies still operating in Russia. Unfortunately, we’ve received only two responses so far. Just yesterday, another company got in touch, and I’m looking forward to corresponding with them.

I would like to share more here, but I respect the fact that these companies, for various reasons, do not wish to be named at this point. I will keep you informed once this changes. It can’t be emphasized enough how significant these companies’ involvement in this project is!

Social Media:

We’re active on Telegram in three languages.


ChatGPT has been incredibly helpful here.

Recently, we’ve also expanded to Facebook. This has significantly broadened our reach. There are numerous groups on Facebook that engage with Russia for various reasons. We’ve been warmly welcomed here, and we hope our cause spreads further through this platform as well.

I’m currently learning a lot about social media.

The most important thing is getting our message across to as many people as possible on platforms like Facebook and Telegram, so we can increase our reach and fill up the donation account.

The other side:

So far, we’ve encountered minimal resistance from those who oppose this project.

Naturally, my actions are associated with the Russian side, but at the same time, I make it clear that our goal is to help children in need. Anyone who rejects such a project, regardless of where these children come from, lacks empathy. I can certainly deal with a single clown emoji as a comment under our posts, knowing that we’re on the right path.

Speaking of the path, I need help from those of you who have contacts in Russia, preferably related to the Donbas region. Due to increased attacks on Donetsk, it’s challenging to establish contact with the doctor at Donetsk Trauma Hospital. Of course, I’ll keep trying.

At the same time, I’d like to establish contact with an orphanage in that area. I’m grateful for any leads.

Overall, I’ve come to the realization that I want to continue this project indefinitely. At least for as long as this conflict persists. Undertaking all this effort solely for a single trip wouldn’t do justice to the cause, in my opinion.

As with many first-time endeavors, one must be on-site to forge the right connections and identify the appropriate contacts. Perhaps I’ll even try to get to the Donbas on my own initially, to directly assess where help is needed and provide targeted assistance.

I believe it’s about responsibly managing your donations: when I promise to use them where they’re needed most, I intend to keep that promise. Naturally, this journey’s expenses are entirely on me.

I’m thankful for your suggestions and insights, and I genuinely appreciate everyone who’s involved here. Until the next video, all I have to say is goodbye.

How we help

Help for the living children

With your donation we would like to help the children injured by artillery shelling or by so-called butterfly mines by supporting a special hospital that specializes in such injuries.

I attach a link to a post about this hospital here. It is worthwhile to watch this article at your leisure until the end. It says more than all the words written here. Go to the article here

But we would also like to support schools and kindergartens so that the children of the Donbass can at least enjoy a temporary carefree life here. Here we contact the operators in advance to see exactly what they need most urgently.

Support for the affected families

We would also like to use your donations to help hard-hit families in Donetsk who have just lost family members and/or all their belongings. Always provided that sufficient donations come together, we would like to help here, too, in individual cases.

Currently proud

+ 0
EURO Total


Donate now conveniently and easily with just a few clicks via PayPal.

or by bank transfer to
Account: Michael Küpper
IBAN: DE94 31060181 0041612002
Gladbacher Bank
Alley of Angels War Victims Aid

Own transportation

Personal delivery directly on site

Above this text you can see the picture of a truck which is supposed to drive to Donbass as part of our Druzhba/Friendship convoy. It is important to me that the people in Russia see and recognize that there are still friends in Germany who take part in your fate and also actively provide assistance. In my video message I have already described how the help is organized by me. In the coming weeks, I will gradually post more information about the course of the relief action via video message or else via Telegram, Facebook and this web site. Please share this call for donations with friends, family but also companies and anyone else who would like to get involved for this. Dissemination via other telegram channels, etc. are also definitely desired.

Follow me on Telegram

In my Telegram channel you can follow everything about this fundraiser “Allee der Engel” from departure to handover.

Plaque with the inscription: "Avenue of Angels. In memory of the killed children of the Donbass".

To honor the children who lost their lives in the Donbass war until 2015, the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic in Ukraine established the Avenue of Angels (rus. Алле́я а́нгелов). An arch of forged roses, representing Donetsk, is intertwined with cartridge cases of a machine gun, representing war, and doves, representing peace. Underneath lies a granite slab with the names and ages of the murdered children. A shell from a 152-millimeter bullet serves as a memorial bell for all the victims of this war.

Monument to the children of the Donbass

The inscription “Avenue of Angels” was erected and unveiled on May 5, 2015. In August 2015, the arch and the plaque with the names were added. However, the names were never verified by any official body – Ukrainian or Russian, Meduza reported in May 2022. A monument to the children of Donbass was erected on the avenue on June 1, 2017. It was made by the Russian sculptor Denis Seleznev. It is located in a parking lot near the Donetsk Children’s Railway.

Neueste Beiträge zu Allee der Engel

Erfahre mehr über Allee der Engel und den Ukraine- und Russlandkonflikt in unserem Blog.

"On behalf of the recipients of this aid, I already thank all donors."

Michael Küpper

Kommentare und Meinungen

Kommentare und Meinungen unserer Leser und Spender

We would especially like to thank these companies for their generous donation:

Together strong

Helping people together

Let’s join together to help the needy people who are the least involved in this conflict.

Every cent helps!

or by bank transfer to
Account: Michael Küpper
IBAN: DE94 31060181 0041612002
Gladbacher Bank
Alley of Angels War Victims Aid


Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions

How do I know if my donation will be received?

Every donation with us is documented and reviewed by our attorney. This ensures that every cent arrives. On my Telegram channel, I will keep you updated on all of our steps leading up to the in-person handoff.

Why does money help more than a donation in kind?

I look at the situation directly on site. The money is used to buy the goods that people need immediately.

How much money should I donate?

Basically, every cent helps. No amount can be too large or too small. The people there in Russia are grateful for any help that comes from us.

In which regions is help provided?

With this action, first of all, we help people in Donetsk. If it is still somehow possible, we additionally help the people in Luhansk.

Will I receive a donation receipt?

Alley of Angels is organized by me as a private person. We are not a registered association. Therefore, each donation is also carried out by you as a private person. A donation receipt will not be issued.

What happens to my data?

Your donations will be treated absolutely confidentially and discreetly by me. Your data will be published only after your explicit consent.
You can find more information about privacy in our privacy policy.

Have more questions?

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Our fundraising efforts will be monitored by our attorney and personally communicated by me, Michael Küpper.

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